Howard County Law Enforcement (Images of America) by Tom Kelley
Howard County Law Enforcement (Images of America) by Tom Kelley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Since the 1880s, when a Howard County sheriff’s deputy shot the mayor of Kokomo during the commission of a burglary, Howard County law enforcement officers have played an important role in the community’s history. Police officers, deputies, and troopers cleared rowdies out of the junction neighborhood, walked downtown beats, rescued tornado survivors, quelled civil disturbances, cleaned up tragic accidents, and solved grisly murders. By the mid-1940s, a new generation of war veterans came home with a spirit of progress and experience in leadership. The foundation of compassion, perseverance, and integrity they established in Howard County law enforcement has defined their unswerving commitment to the safety of the community and to one another. Images of America: Howard County Law Enforcement tells their story.From reader reviews:
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