Algebra I Workbook For Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling
Algebra I Workbook For Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From signed numbers to story problems — calculate equations with easePractice is the key to improving your algebra skills, and that's what this workbook is all about. This hands-on guide focuses on helping you solve the many types of algebra problems you'll encounter in a focused, step-by-step manner. With just enough refresher explanations before each set of problems, this workbook shows you how to work with fractions, exponents, factoring, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, graphs, and more!
100s of problems!
Hundreds of practice exercises and helpful explanations
Explanations mirror teaching methods and classroom protocols
Focused, modular content presented in step-by-step lessons
Practice on hundreds of Algebra I problems
Review key concepts and formulas
Get complete answer explanations for all problems
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