Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ So You Want to Grow a Salad? (Grow Your Food) by Bridget Heos

So You Want to Grow a Salad? (Grow Your Food) by Bridget Heos

So You Want to Grow a Salad? (Grow Your Food)

So You Want to Grow a Salad? (Grow Your Food) by Bridget Heos PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

If you really wanted to grow a pizza, you'd need a wheat field, a cow, a pig, a vegetable garden... and you'd run out of room quickly! The sensible narrator advises each child gardener to start small, and they all gain an appreciation for fresh ingredients by the end of each book. A young girl wants to grow her own salad, learns where the many ingredients come from, and learns how to grow vegetables. Includes kid-friendly salad recipe.

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