Hitchcock Poster Art by Mark Wolff, Tony Nourmand
Hitchcock Poster Art by Mark Wolff, Tony Nourmand PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Alfred Hitchcock's style was unmistakable, and his films more than ever are revered the world over. Any list of the greatest films of all time is sure to include titles like Psycho, Dial M for Murder, Vertigo, and North by Northwest.In this lavishly produced book, Wolff and Nourmand have collected all the best promotional art--including posters, lobby cards, and other promotional materials--of Hitchcock's entire career, including material so rare that the copy photographed for this book is the only one known to have survived. Among the treasures displayed: an American poster for Woman to Woman, the 1923 film for which Hitchcock wrote the screenplay and served as assistant director and art director; a poster for the first film he directed, The Pleasure Garden of 1925; and material from classic films like Strangers on a Train and To Catch a Thief. Hitchcock Poster Art provides a fascinating look at the international scope of the master's influence and appeal.
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